
Bergen Pride is possible because of people like you. Join us as Volunteer!

Bergen Pride is committed to recruiting dedicated, reliable volunteers to assist in the production and execution of Bergen Pride 2024.

What to expect from us

A safe workspace, free from discrimination, disrespect and discouragement.

Being treated as a co-worker and not as free help.

A suitable work assignment with consideration for personal preference, temperament, education, and experience.

Learning as much about the organization as possible, including its people and its programs.

Thoughtfully planned and effectively presented training.

Sound guidance and direction from an experienced and well-informed member of our team.

Being heard and sharing your opinions openly.

Recognition for the hard work you’ve done, the time you’ve put in, and the help you’ve freely given.
Read more.
What we expect from you
Be Sure. Make certain you truly want to dedicate your time and effort.

Be Thoughtful. Think about the services you offer and the value they are going to add.

Be Aware. Learn as much as you can about the organization’s goals and programs.

Speak Up. Ask questions. It’s important to clarify things you don’t understand.

Be Willing to Learn. Training is essential to any job. Some positions may require extensive training.

Be a Team Player. We all have a role to play and important skills to contribute. We must work together to be successful.

Join us as volunteer

Sign up to volunteer for the Bergen Pride events! All volunteers must be 16 or older.

Head, Cartoon, Sleeve, Gesture, Art, Font
Head, Cartoon, Sleeve, Gesture, Art, Font